The best actors to follow on Instagram include the likes of Kevin Hart, Ricky Gervais, and Stephen Fry. If you’re looking to follow an actor who has a wide variety of interests, you’ll love this list!
Check out their stories and learn about their careers. You can even join their fan groups and see the latest happenings in their world. But you’ll need to find a way to find their feeds and make sure they’re public so you don’t miss out on their posts!
Ricky Gervais
If you are looking for a great comedian to follow on Instagram, you’ve come to the right place. The world-famous actor, writer, and director has an official account with the username @rickygervais. Ricky has over 14.6 million followers and is best known for his roles on the sitcom The Office. However, he is not only popular for his work in the comedy genre. He has also directed, produced, and written numerous films, including the highly successful An Idiot Abroad.
Kevin Hart
Kevin Hart is one of the busiest men in Hollywood, but he still finds time to share photos of his day-to-day work life. He shares behind-the-scenes photos from his new movie, Fatherhood, and posts photos of himself and his famous friends. A recent throwback post showed Hart chatting with his co-stars in a sleeveless sweater vest.
Idris Elba
It is not only the star’s plethora of projects on his resume that makes him the best actor to follow on Instagram, but also the fact that he is so down to earth and open. The actor is open about his struggles, and it shows. He has posted a number of live videos of himself, as well as his struggles with addiction and substance abuse. He shares these videos with his fans, and his followers are astonished by his candidness.
Lena Headey
You may not know it, but Game of Thrones star Lena Headey is one of our best Instagram people to follow. She plays Cersei Lannister on the popular HBO series, and is constantly on the road, doing bougie celebrity things like filming, reading scripts, and doing publicity stunts. While we all love a good celebrity photo, we also want to get to know the actor behind the iconic character. Follow Lena Headey on Instagram to keep up with her latest news and photos.
Zooey Deschanel
When it comes to actors who have made an impact on the entertainment industry, few can compare to Zooey Deschanel. Not only has she had a successful career on the big screen, but her persona has also helped her find success. While many consider her an over-the-top manic-pixie dream girl, she is also a talented singer and has had a big hand in shaping pop culture over the past two decades. If you haven’t checked out her Instagram, now’s the time to do so!
George Lopez
George Lopez is a multifaceted actor who has made a name for himself in the media. He has worked in film, television, stand-up comedy, and late-night talk shows. His new NBC sitcom, Lopez vs. Lopez, will begin shooting later this fall. The series will star George Lopez’s real-life daughter, Mayan, and is set to debut in 2022. He also posts plenty of photos to his Instagram.