Child Custody Lawyer Duties

Child custody lawyers provide services that assist clients in understanding, negotiating and creating legal and physical custody arrangements that prioritize children’s best interests. In addition, these professionals conduct comprehensive yet thorough custody evaluations.

Family attorneys offer objective advice during emotionally sensitive times and are experienced at encouraging productive dialogue that results in mutually accepted custody agreements.

Legal Representation

Child custody lawyers offer representation to parents or other family members who seek child custody of a child. They act on their client’s behalf in negotiations with other parties, conveying their views clearly in negotiations while encouraging productive dialogues that ensure desired results are reached for clients.

Child custody cases can often be highly charged affairs, and child custody lawyers must ensure their clients receive appropriate legal representation. When representing clients in these matters, child custody lawyers take into account all relevant factors, such as whether one spouse has committed criminal acts or been abusive towards the other in the past; as well as taking into account issues like children’s ages, preferences and each parent’s ability to meet those needs.

At your initial consultation, your attorney will ask a series of questions regarding your relationship with the child, current custody arrangement and desired outcomes for this case. They’ll use this information to build a convincing case on your behalf while meeting all legal requirements in court – expedite proceedings quickly without delays or setbacks, give peace of mind knowing they have your best interests at heart, as well as working closely with a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) should one be necessary.


Child custody attorneys are experienced negotiators who understand how to uphold both parental rights and promote the best interests of your child. They can assist in the negotiation of visitation schedules, parenting plans or any other issue regarding custody with former partners.

If you are involved in a custody dispute, hiring an attorney can make the process both faster and less expensive. Your lawyer can also assist in resolving disputes outside of court to save both time and money – something which makes hiring one in Manhattan especially valuable! A good Manhattan child custody lawyer will work towards reaching an amicable resolution which works for all parties involved.

Controversial child custody cases can be both emotionally draining and complex, especially when parents don’t communicate or believe the other parent is unsuitable to care for their children. When this occurs, arguments between the parties often become heated.

At a contested FHDRA custody hearing, a judge will make decisions regarding legal and physical custody for their children. They typically choose the parent best capable of meeting their children’s emotional and physical wellbeing; if both parents can do this successfully however, joint legal custody may be granted instead. As part of these proceedings, access (visitation) schedules will also be established by the judge.


Child custody lawyers provide invaluable guidance for parents during this trying time by counseling them on legal procedures and helping them understand different types of custody arrangements. Furthermore, they also offer advice about financial support or any related matters.

Assisting grandparents and other family members in securing visitation or custody rights for their grandchildren is another responsibility of child welfare workers. They help these individuals understand their legal standing, explore possible avenues to secure that the best interests of the children are fulfilled.

In cases involving domestic violence and other safety concerns, they aid their clients in securing restraining orders against abusive parents and co-parents, and advocate for visitation/custody arrangements that ensure the wellbeing of both child(ren) and family members.

Psychologists and social workers may collaborate closely with lawyers in evaluating the wellbeing of children, uncovering any existing concerns. Interviews may take place with both parents, other family members, friends, neighbors and school teachers to provide a more accurate view of current environments as well as possible improvements for the future. Once this data has been presented to a judge for review and determination of custody arrangements; sometimes in these instances a guardian ad litem will also be appointed who will make recommendations as to which parent should receive primary custody.

Bar Examination

Child custody lawyers possess the courtroom knowledge and courtroom expertise needed to represent your case, cross-examine witnesses and address unforeseen legal issues. Their negotiation skills help promote productive discussions aimed at furthering your child’s best interests while they may also file motions with the court to address unexpected events, such as one parent being unable to care for their child.

Custody and visitation arrangements are central components of any divorce proceeding. A judge must decide between sole custody, wherein one parent assumes permanent care of their children, or joint custody where both parties share decision making for their offspring. They consider various factors when making this determination including each parent’s job, lifestyle, health issues, relationship with child as well as potential criminal records.

Parents may seek changes to existing custody arrangements, requiring assistance from a child custody lawyer. Reasons could range from relocation with their child, changes in living situation or major events like death requiring these modifications; ultimately the attorney must demonstrate how this change serves in their best interest of their client’s child.

Visitation rights are typically given to the non-custodial parent on an established schedule; for example, every other weekend and two weekdays during school year visits as well as increased visits during holidays or summer break. Our lawyers will help create an ideal visitation arrangement that meets both parent’s and their child’s needs.