Best Things About Seeing a Broadway Musical

Broadway musicals aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but everyone should give Broadway a chance, even if it’s just once. You never know, you might end up pleasantly surprised and actually enjoy yourself. Here are some of the best things about going to see a Broadway musical.

You’ll Be Back for More

Many people who see a Broadway show will go on to see multiple more. Not everyone is going to fall in love with the prospect of Broadway but the majority of people will go back

Teach History

There are many Broadway shows that are being acted out in theatres all over the world that bare reference to historical events. Whilst some include characters that have played a part in history. The best thing about the historical aspect of a Broadway musical is that the learning aspect is also wrapped up in singing and dancing, so it can be a fun way learn something new.

Tackle Social and Political Issues

As well as history, many musicals also tackle social or political issues, for example, Hairspray largely includes the theme of Racism in America – which is still a large issue today. Broadway musicals are a fun way to incorporate serious themes and lessons into a bit of light hearted entertainment.

Engross You in the Story

Broadway musicals immerse you in the storyline and captivate the audience from the get-go. Everything in a Broadway musical is there to grab your attention, from the music to the costumes, props and the lights.

Who Doesn’t Like a Bit of Singing and Dancing

Broadway appeal to many people because a lot of people enjoy music, singing and dancing. That is the key to the audiences’ heart and Broadway pulls this off in spectacular fashion. Whether you know the words or not, a Broadway show will have you wishing that you were up there on stage singing and dancing with the cast.

Can Be Reasonably Priced

Depending on when you go and where you choose seats, going to see a Broadway show can be reasonably priced. Broadway in London and New York are notorious for being expensive but there are many different amateur productions that you can go and see locally.