mobile scissor lift tables

How Mobile Scissor Lift Tables Can Benefit Stage Production

What Is A Mobile Scissor Lift Table

Mobile scissor lift tables are a piece of equipment used to manoeuvre and carry heavy loads. The criss cross ‘scissor’ design allows the equipment to support whatever it’s carrying and can also reach heights of up to 60 feet if needed.

Mobile Scissor Lift Tables For A Successful Stage Production

Mobile Scissor lift tables can be used on stage, off stage, during production as well as pre and post production – depending on how innovative and creative the production manager is.

Pre And Post Production

Moving stage set can be a long and tiring process if done manually, especially when moving into a new theatre. As well as this boxes of clothes, props, lightening…there are so many things that need to be moved around when there is a stage show. Buying or hiring mobile scissor lift tables will save you so much valuable time in setting up the show and also when the show finishes.

Off Stage

Mobile scissors lift tables are a great benefit off stage as well to manoeuvre heavy pieces of equipment or props quickly. It’s really important for backstage operations to run on time without delay so this piece of equipment will be extremely useful.

On Stage

You can actually use mobile scissor lift tables on stage during the show to create some excellent stage effects. Dress the table in disguise and lift props and performers into the air to really make the most of the stage space.

Other Benefits Of Mobile Scissor Lift Tables

  • Safety and security of everyone involved
  • Reduce fatigue in users meaning better productivity
  • Reduce the risk of injury as less risk of repetitive strain