Over the years our theatre has amassed a good sized collection of old hi8 video tapes. These tapes were mostly from rehearsals but there was a large collection of tapes from live shows and performances. We just couldn’t let them get lost or disposed of, so we decided to use a hi8 to DVD conversion service to save all these amazing tapes. We wanted to pass on some of the info we have learned so that others could take notes and revive their archive footage.

The Hi8 To DVD Process
For a lot of consumers, DVD conversion is still something that they have a hard time dealing with. This is because the industry has yet to figure out how to make this process work in an easy way, and it seems that every new product that comes out is just an upgrade over what is already available. The hi8 to DVD conversion process that we used was through a specialist that operates in the video conversion market.
One of the best things about DVD conversion is that there are some great options out there if you don’t want to deal with having to do a lot of research yourself. There are companies that specialize in DVD conversions, and they will usually give you a free trial of the service. This way, you can see whether or not you are comfortable with them before you pay for anything else. It also gives you the ability to see how much your computer will use, so you know exactly how much you can spend on the conversion itself.

Get Perfect Quality Tapes
You’ll be surprised at the quality that you can get from these companies, even if you do have to pay a fee. While most people prefer to go with the paid services, there are some that may not have the same quality as a free one. If that is the case, it’s always worth it to go with the free ones, because you will be able to get the results that you need for a fraction of the price.
Some people prefer to convert their DVD collections to Blu-Ray Discs instead. This allows them to make a better investment in the discs themselves, which they will have for a very long time. The process is pretty much the same, but the result is much different. You can also get this done without spending a dime at all, but it is definitely the more expensive option.

Formats to Choose
With a DVD conversion service, you will have a lot of options at your disposal. The companies will allow you to pick what types of formats you want, and you can get the software that you need to make all of your copies in a number of different formats. While there are some that you will need to download, you can usually get this done online.
If you don’t like to deal with companies that will give you frees of DVD conversion for free services, then you may want to consider going with the paid options. Not only will you get better quality results for the money that you spend, but you will also get to have some extra security features that are built into the software that makes the entire process easier to handle. In many cases, you can choose a certain software program to take care of all the conversion tasks for you, meaning that you don’t even have to be bothered with any of the work.